Friday, September 11, 2015

The Biggest Room I Ever Seen

I press toward the mark for the prize the high calling of God in Christ Jesus”- Philippians 3:14

“ The status quo,  “ the norm” , “the way we are” - these phrases are replete with the spirit of defeatism. The Student must understand that there is always room for growth and improvement .
            God’s Word commands us to grow “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord “ (Ephesians 6:4) . In I Peter the Bible says that we are to grow from spiritual babes on a diet of mild, to spiritual adult son a diet of meat. The Apostle Paul , at the end of his ministry ,was not content to rest and reflect while sitting in a prison cell. He asked his faithful follower Timothy to bring him the books and especially the parchments.

Even while his earthly ministry was dwindled to its few final days , this giant of the New Testament wanted to continue to grow, to learn and to sharpen himself.

Those who truly understand the heart of the Lord and the mind of Christ realize the necessity for contend growth and learning . This growth goes beyond the boundaries of academia into skills and character qualities as well.

My dear pastor friend of mine  Troy Kelley while in his eighties was often still studding his Greek on a daily basis, memorizing verses and reviewing the thousands of verses he had previously committed to memory challenged me. I ask him why he continued to study Greek at such an advanced age. He said , “God tells us to occupy until He Comes”

Every instructor, whether parent or teacher must realize that potential is a word that , while sometimes overused ,is also frequently never realized…